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How to Cancel JustAnswer Membership? 4 Self-Tested Methods!!

How to Cancel JustAnswer Membership? 4 Self-Tested Methods!!

A JustAnswer subscription is a membership plan offered by the online platform JustAnswer, which provides users with access to expert advice and answers to a wide range of questions and topics.

JustAnswer is known for connecting users with verified professionals who can provide helpful guidance and solutions.

While JustAnswer offers valuable services, there may come a time when you no longer wish to maintain your membership or subscription.

Whether it’s due to changing needs, budget constraints, or any other reason, canceling your JustAnswer membership can be a straightforward process if you follow the right steps.

How to Cancel JustAnswer Membership?

If you are considering of canceling your JustAnswer membership, I’ll provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to cancel your JustAnswer membership using various methods.

Method 1: How to Cancel JustAnswer Membership via Online?

How to Cancel JustAnswer Membership via Online

The most convenient way to cancel your JustAnswer membership is to do it online through the JustAnswer website. Follow these steps:

1. Visit the JustAnswer Website:

Open your web browser and visit the

2. Log In to Your JustAnswer Account:

Log in to your JustAnswer account using your email address and password.

3. Access Your Membership Settings:

Once logged in, navigate to your account settings. This is typically found by clicking on your profile picture or username.

4. Manage Subscriptions:

Look for an option that allows you to manage your subscriptions or memberships. This might be labeled as “Subscriptions” or “Membership Settings”.

5. Cancel Your Membership:

Find the option to cancel your JustAnswer membership. Click on it and follow the on-screen instructions.

6. Confirm Cancellation:

JustAnswer may ask you to confirm your cancellation. Carefully review the details and confirm the cancellation.

7. Receive Confirmation:

You should receive a confirmation message and email regarding the cancellation.

Method 2: How to Cancel JustAnswer Membership via Email?

How to Cancel JustAnswer Membership via Email

If you prefer to cancel your JustAnswer membership via email, you can use the following method.

For reaching out to JustAnswer customer support via email, use a couple of designated email addresses: [email protected] and [email protected].

1. Compose an Email:

Open your preferred email client or webmail service.

2. Address the Email:

Address the email to JustAnswer’s customer support.

3. Subject Line:

In the subject line, clearly state your intention to cancel your JustAnswer membership. For example, “Cancellation Request for JustAnswer Membership”.

4. Include Account Information:

In the body of the email, provide your JustAnswer account information, such as your email address, full name, and any account or membership details.

5. Request Cancellation:

Politely request the cancellation of your JustAnswer membership. Be specific about the type of membership you want to cancel, whether it’s monthly or annual.

6. Request Confirmation:

Ask for confirmation of the cancellation and inquire about any final steps or instructions.

7. Send the Email:

Double-check that all the information is accurate, and then send the email to the provided customer support email address.

8. Monitor for Response:

Keep an eye on your email inbox for a response from JustAnswer’s customer support team. They should provide guidance on the next steps and confirm the cancellation.

Method 3: How to Cancel JustAnswer Membership via Phone?

How to Cancel JustAnswer Membership via Phone

If you prefer to cancel your JustAnswer membership via phone, you can use the following method:

1. Locate the Customer Support Phone Number:

Visit the JustAnswer website and look for the customer support phone number. You can typically find this in the “Contact Us” or “Help” section of the website or use (800) 943-1351.

2. Call Customer Support:

Dial the customer support phone number and follow the prompts to connect with a JustAnswer representative.

3. Verify Your Identity:

The representative will likely ask you to verify your identity by providing your account information.

4. Request Cancellation:

Politely request the cancellation of your JustAnswer membership. Specify the type of membership you want to cancel, they will respond your request and after cancellation keep the records safe for future requirments.

Method 4: How to Cancel JustAnswer Membership via Customer Support Live Chat?

How to Cancel JustAnswer Membership via Customer Support Live Chat

If you prefer a real-time interaction, you can cancel your JustAnswer membership through their live chat support system. Follow these steps:

1. Visit the JustAnswer Website:

  • Open your web browser and visit the JustAnswer website.
  • Log In to Your JustAnswer Account:
  • Log in to your JustAnswer account using your email address and password.

2. Access Customer Support:

Look for the “Contact Us” or “Help” section on the website. There, you should find an option to initiate a live chat session with a customer support representative.

3. Initiate the Live Chat:

Start a live chat session by clicking on the designated button or link. A chat window will open, and you’ll be connected to a representative.

4. Verify Your Identity:

The representative may ask you to verify your identity by providing your account information.

5. Request Cancellation:

Politely request the cancellation of your JustAnswer membership. Be clear about the type of membership you want to cancel, whether it’s monthly or annual.

6. Follow Their Instructions:

Follow the instructions provided by the customer support representative during the live chat. They may ask for additional details or confirm your request.

7. Request Confirmation:

Before ending the live chat session, ask for confirmation of the cancellation and inquire about any final steps or instructions.

8. Save the Chat Transcript:

JustAnswer often provides an option to save the chat transcript. It’s a good practice to save a copy for your records.


Canceling your JustAnswer membership is a process designed to give you control over your subscription.

Whether you’ve found the answers you sought or are exploring new avenues, these methods has equipped you with the knowledge to navigate the cancellation process with ease.

JustAnswer offers a range of membership plans, each catering to your unique needs. Understanding your membership type and the associated terms is essential before initiating the cancellation process.

Remember that JustAnswer memberships auto-renew by default, making it crucial to follow the steps outlined here to prevent future charges. You can Cancel Coursera Subscription.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1). What happens to my access after canceling my JustAnswer membership?

After canceling your JustAnswer membership, your access to premium features and expert answers will typically remain active until the end of your current billing cycle.

2). Is there a difference between monthly and annual JustAnswer memberships in the cancellation process?

The cancellation process is generally the same for both monthly and annual JustAnswer memberships. You can cancel either type of membership by following the steps outlined in this guide.

3). Can I reactivate my JustAnswer membership after canceling it?

Yes, you can reactivate your JustAnswer membership at any time by following the reactivation prompts in your account settings. JustAnswer offers the flexibility to return whenever you’re ready.

4). Will I lose access to previously asked questions and answers if I cancel my membership?

Cancelling your JustAnswer membership does not affect your access to previously asked questions and answers. Your historical interactions remain available in your account.

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